About Us
About biosyn Corporation Company
biosyn Corporation is a California biopharmaceutical company established in 1995. biosyn is focused on the manufacture of hemocyanin derived from Megathura crenulata (Giant Keyhole Limpet). Biosyn utilizes a novel and non-lethal and environmentally friendly manufacturing process which preserves the ecosystem of the Giant Keyhole Limpets which are only found along the coasts of California and Baja Mexico. Biosyn’s high quality clinical GMP research grade hemocyanin products have been used in over 100 clinical trials (Phase I, II, III and IV) worldwide.
The fully operational and validated GMP facility including specialized aquaria tanks for non-lethal handling of commercial quantities of giant keyhole limpets was completed in Carlsbad, CA in 2001. The dedicated facility includes a clean room, aquaria lab, QC lab, and controlled storage areas. The company is focused on the development, manufacturing and marketing of novel hemocyanin products for clinical and immunological research.

Under the leadership of Dr. S.N. Muddukrishna PhD, President and CEO, biosyn has established itself as a world leader in the supply of high quality, clinical/research grade hemocyanin product through scientific and regulatory support to customers.
Hemocyanin and Immunocyanin
biosyn hemocyanin and immunocyanin products have since been marketed under the trade name IMMUCOTHEL® and VACMUNE® and are now well recognized quality investigational products and are used extensively as carrier protein for investigation vaccine production and as a tracer molecule in vaccine preparation, as a neoantigen and for immune status evaluation.
biosyn is world leader in the manufacture of high quality, clinical/GMP and research grade hemocyanin product. At present, 3 of the 10 biggest international pharmaceutical companies are using biosyn hemocyanin products for research and development of novel vaccines in advanced stages.

Having successfully registered the biosyn drug product selenase® in Europe, including Russia, as well as in Asian and South American countries, and with the increased interest in selenium usage for clinical investigation in the USA, biosyn filed the Drug Master File with the US FDA in 2008 to enable and support the usage of the biosyn standardized selenium product in investigational studies.
biosyn’s future goal is to ensure quality product availability and regulatory support to its current and new customers for investigational and commercial purposes.